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Little Vera
Mummy, shadows are chilling
Darkness falls on heavy ground
Mummy, I stroke the earth
My head turning round and round
Mummy, I follow the wind
Quiet sigh of the underworld
Mummy, I´m like little Vera
Carried by feelings of my soul
Where are you going
Little Vera
Mummy, when morning dusks melt
Oh, confused again,
Oh, doubting again
She goes where the black crows are streaming
Mummy, we're like little Veras
Something turns us all the time
Mummy, why it throws in our path
Needles instead of flowers fine
Mummy, I follow the wind
Quiet sigh from the downsand
Mummy, I´m like little Vera
Silently holding my own hand
Where are you going…
Come back, there the black crows are streaming
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